“75 color roses in a bouquet”


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Introducing a stunning bouquet of 75 colored roses, beautifully arranged to create a vibrant and eye-catching display. This exquisite bouquet features delightful colors such as purple, white, peach, and pink roses, each bloom radiating elegance and charm. The combination of these soft yet striking colors brings a sense of joy and celebration, making it perfect for any special occasion. Whether presented as a heartfelt gift or used to brighten your own space, this bouquet captures the essence of love and beauty. The lush roses are expertly arranged, ensuring that each color stands out while harmonizing beautifully with the others. Celebrate life’s precious moments with this breathtaking bouquet, a true symbol of affection and admiration. 75 roses in a bouquet.

At Bordo Flowers, we take pride in offering prompt and reliable delivery services throughout Chicago and its suburbs. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Same-Day Delivery: Available for Chicago and surrounding suburbs.

  • Delivery Charges: Prices start at just $10.

  • Downtown Chicago: $37 standard fee.

  • Delivery radius: Up to 40 miles from our shop.

📌 Delivery Timeframe

  • Our delivery hours are between 12 PM and 4 PM.

  • If you need your flowers for an early morning event, we recommend scheduling the delivery the day before.

  • For urgent orders needed by 10 AM, you are welcome to pick up your flowers directly from our shop between 10 AM and 5 PM.

📌 Alternative Delivery Options
You can arrange an Uber delivery through our phone line. Payment for this service can be made via Zelle or credit card over the phone.

📌 Additional Information

  • We deliver our bouquets in temporary aqua boxes, ensuring they stay fresh during transportation.

  • Each order comes with a complimentary greeting card, care instructions, and flower food.